
Male Testosterone Levels by Age: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding Male Testosterone Levels by Age

When most people think about declining male testosterone levels, the first thing that comes to mind is a lower sex drive. After all, testosterone is commonly associated with a high libido, given that testosterone levels are highest in men’s teenage and young adult years. However, reducing low testosterone to just libido overlooks its wider implications.

While it’s true that a lower libido is a sign of low testosterone, it’s often one of the less visible signs. More often, those who suffer from low testosterone will notice difficulty concentrating, weaker bone strength, feelings of irritability, and fatigue far sooner than low libido. Testosterone is responsible for all of these things, and that means declining testosterone levels can cause several serious problems if left untreated. 

Keep reading to see why your testosterone levels matter, what the appropriate male testosterone levels by age are, and what you can do when testosterone levels start to decline.

Why Are Testosterone Levels Important For Your Health?

Maybe you’re at the seasons of life where, your kids are old enough to either take care of most things themselves or be out of the home entirely, and you’re looking forward to catching up on that sleep you missed out on while they were in the baby stages. Yet now, you go to bed at a reasonable hour, wake up at a reasonable hour and you’re still feeling tired. What’s the problem?

It might very well be low levels of testosterone, which can cause you to feel fatigued even when you’re able to get a full night of sleep. Other problems can include having difficulty with giving quick answers, excess body fat, and a greater risk for dementia and diabetes. Testosterone is at least partially responsible for keeping our brains and bodies in good shape, so when levels start to drop, we might feel like something is off in our daily lives. When low testosterone is left untreated, bone density, and heart health can also become casualties of your lack of proper amounts of this hormone.

That’s why all humans produce testosterone, even though it’s commonly associated with men and not women. All humans need testosterone to maintain strong, healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis. When symptoms of low testosterone occur, they’re not something that you can just brush off as a casualty of age.

What Are Normal Male Testosterone Levels By Age?

Testosterone levels can vary greatly depending on age, lifestyle factors, and underlying health conditions. Let’s take a look at what is considered normal male testosterone levels by age.

Early Childhood

You might be surprised to learn that males start with fairly high testosterone levels in infancy, then see a steady drop until puberty. That’s because infancy is responsible for creating the male reproductive system, which uses almost all of the body’s testosterone. Typically, male infants with normal testosterone levels range between 75 to 400 ng/dL when they are just a few months old.

Teenage Years

Once the teen years begin and puberty starts, testosterone levels begin to increase rapidly. Teenage boys generally start to experience an increase around ages 12 and 13 and may peak in their late teens. The normal range for testosterone levels in teenage boys is typically between 300-1000 ng/dL.


A man’s twenties are often considered the peak period for testosterone production in men. Generally, a normal testosterone range for men in their 20s is between 300 and 1,200 ng/dL.

Early Thirties

Once men reach their early thirties, testosterone mostly holds steady until age 35, when testosterone levels naturally start to decrease by 1% every year for the rest of their life. This means, that by the time you get to age 70, you’re down to about 2/3 of the amount of testosterone you had in your 20s –– leaving you more vulnerable to diseases and disorders commonly associated with aging. 

If your testosterone levels dip under 300 ng/dL in adulthood, it could put your body at serious risk for complications. So, it’s important to discuss with a medical expert about possible treatment options for low testosterone.

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Why Do Testosterone Levels Decline After Age 35?

Essentially, testosterone levels start to drop for the same reason that women’s estrogen levels drop in middle age: the organs that are responsible for these hormones decide that their job is completed. Even though testosterone has many important jobs in your body, its most important functions are to make you into an adult male and to give you the ability to reproduce during the prime years of your life. By the time you hit 35, your body has fully developed and your testes begin to lower their production of testosterone. Most men aren’t looking to have children after age 40, and they’ve already been in adulthood for more than half of their lives, so the body decides that it’s time to cut back on testosterone production.

In our modern world, there’s plenty of reason for the body to cut back on testosterone production because fewer men are working in physical jobs that demand strength in their daily lives. Most men aren’t going to see testosterone levels drop to extreme levels, but as our society encourages indoor jobs that rely on education over physical strength, testosterone levels will naturally drop. Unfortunately, that means male testosterone levels by age are dropping faster than they did 30 years ago.

What Can You Do About Declining Male Testosterone Levels?

At Lowcountry Male, we offer several solutions that can help you increase testosterone levels and get them up to a healthy level for your body’s needs.

When you talk to our team of medical experts, we’ll take a look at your symptoms and your testosterone levels to determine whether they’re below the expected levels for your age. If you’re under the recommended amount for male testosterone levels by age, we can prescribe injections, pellets, gels, and more to get your testosterone levels to where they need to be for your body’s needs.

Once you get your testosterone levels up to where they should be, you’ll be able to get your energy levels, bone density, and more back to a healthy amount. If you’re feeling like something’s off, the culprit could be low testosterone; contact us today to make an appointment!



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